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Transmission is a fully featured fast, easy and free BitTorrent. Its a bit different from other (Windows orientated) clients and is geared towards GNU/Linux, BSD and OSX operating systems as it runs as a daemon process in the background and connections are then made from clients such as a Web browser, Command Line dedicated client or Android application. Transmission also has the ability to create torrents using a dedicated programme.


This will depend on the GNU/Linux (or OSX) that you are using, but Transmission is available in most distributions package repository.


emerge -av transmission


pacman -Syu transmission

Debian (includes Ubuntu)

[sudo] apt-get install transmission

Creating Torrents with Transmission


Before starting...

  • You must have Uploader privileges in order to upload torrents. If you don't already have them please read the FAQ.
  • Please read the Uploading Guidelines.
  • Make sure you've searched the TMB thoroughly and that what you are going to upload isn't already on the site.
  • Make use of the ID3 system and tag your files.
  • Place your files in a folder of their own and name it appropriately.
  • Obtain your unique announce URL from your Upload page.

Create your torrent

Once installed you can use transmission-cli to create torrents.

  • Download the TMB file from here (Right-click and 'Save As') and place it in the directory that contains your files.
  • Open a terminal and cd to the directory that contains the directory you wish to create a torrent of (i.e. one directory level up).
  • Create your torrent using the following command, you must replace the --tracker with your URL
transmission-create -p -t -o "a sensible name for your torrent.torrent" "my new torrent directory"

Upload your torrent

Now you can upload the torrent you just created by going to your Upload page, filling in the details following the guidelines described in the Uploading Guidelines and selecting the torrent file you just created. You should say a little something about what you are uploading too, as you would when posting on the Forum.

External Links